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Sweeter than Chocolate

Oh the "sweetness" of new love. One of my best friends, Beth, just recently began a courtship with Chris. She's from Michigan, and I went up to visit her and meet Chris last weekend...before I left, we got in a mini photoshoot of the two!


I'm sorry that this blog has been so boring these past few weeks, but I've been a little crazy busy. I'll be updating with more photoshoots...but exciting news is that I shot my first wedding yesterday!!! Heidi, my dear sister went as my second shooter...aka, Life*Saver

Some other exciting news is that I'm attending the Haven Workshop with VGallery (www.vgallery.net) starting tonight, so I'm afraid I'll be a little MIA on my blog for the next few days as well!

Happy Weekend!!!


smw said...

that is such an adorable, cozy picture.

i hope you have fun with the haven workshop. i love reading jed's blog. :)

Amber said...

Heidi said she thought you did really well . . .and I didn't expect to hear otherwise! I'll be excited to see some of the pix.

Have a fun few days!

Anonymous said...

LOVE ~ LOVE ~ LOVE THIS!!!! What a wonderful picture. Makes me want my own food shop. Too cute!

Leslie Ringger said...

i agree! this picture makes me feel so happy...with the warm colors and cozy atmosphere. i love it!

Heidi said...

Very fun...and so cozy! Great job, I am sure Beth thought this was great too. Love you and have a great time at the Haven workshop!

Jami said...

that is such a cool pic. so cool!

Rebekah said...

You captured such great feeling in this picture tam! I love how dreamy it feels. Good job! Can't wait to hear more about how the Haven workshop is going!

Beth said...

so this is what you were up to from across the street :) aside from digging the peeps in the window (*smile*) i LOVE how this captures the crisp coziness of fall: the dusk, warm glow from the window.... trail of leaves.... the flag, scarecrow, mums, little tree....

... all so perfectly inviting.

Pam said...

I love this picture, Tami! You captured such a warm, cozy feeling.
I told Elliot we should have you take our picture from a distance like this - then I wouldn't mind it so much!

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