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Random 5

Just in case your in need for some interesting (or not-so-interesting) conversation at your family Christmas, here are 5 random facts you could share...
  1. Coming this spring to Cub Foods parking lot in Bloomington, IL is the largest Dairy Queen Grill & Chill in the Nation. I'm not sure if this is something to be proud or ashamed of.
  2. Last Wednesday, someone was found dead in the basement of State Farm Corporate offices. Investigations are going on. Let's just say that I park in the basment and walk up to my department at night. Oh boy.
  3. Speaking of State Farm, as of January 1st, the campuses will be tabacco free. This means that there will no longer be designated smoking areas and no one is allowed to smoke in the buildings, in State Farm vehicles, in the parking lot/garages, or on any property of State Farm. Needless to say, come January, I'm going to have to steer clear of half my co-workers.
  4. Last night, I got a call from a lady that told me she is a midget truck driver, who got rear-ended by a guy that dropped his cell phone. The accident resulted in her losing half her teeth, a broken neck and jaw, half her body being paralyzed and being bed-ridden for life. However, I'm a little confused 'cause supposedly this happened a couple weeks ago, she was talking just fine considering her jaw is shattered, and if she's paralyzed for life, why is she buying auto insurance? She said that after the guy hit her, he ran to her car saying, "Please don't die! Please don't die!"...her response?!..."Come over closer so I can KILL YOU"! What a classy lady.
  5. It's 2 days until Christmas so this will be my final post until after the Holiday, so I hope you all have a great and very Merry Christmas!


Rebekah said...

those are funny tami! especially the pathetic story about the unclassy midget.

hope you had a nice office party last night.


Tami said...

Bek, I thought it was hilarious too! I forgot to write that after she told me that story she said, "I'm actually a very sweet person! I mean, I cry when I see a cat killed". I was thinking, "How is that in ANY WAY supposed to make me think you're a nice person?" All I got from that comment is that she cares more about a dead cat than a living human...yeah, not convinced on her caring heart! :)

Heidi said...

Too funny! I love it when you post! I am glad I get to be with you over the Holidays, because it's like live posts all day long. :)

smw said...

i am happy to see these little entertaining posts up. :) you are such a funny girl. i hate how at family gatherings we never really get to talk. you better come visit soon!!

Leslie Ringger said...

oh my! those are all very interesting. unfortunately everyone at my family christmas will have read this, so our conversation will go more likely like this:

"did you read tami's blog?"
"yes! it was so funny!"

...great post tam. :)

Amber said...

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to say in response to #4.


Erin said...

Yes I am in the states. Yes I would love to meet up with you for coffee or just a visit to catch up. As of now I think I have only the 29th free ( I leave for indy again the 30th and fly home the 31st) If sometime that day works for you let me know. Blessings!

Brooke said...

I heard #2 was a suicide. Don't know if that makes you feel better or not. Merry Christmas though!

leah said...

did i ever tell you how much i LOVE ice cream...maybe our movie night we can try out that new dairy queen!

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