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Mark + Barb {Just 'Cause}

I couldn't think of a better way to go into the weekend than with this shoot I did with Mark + Barb!!  You may remember their daughter, Leah (engagement session) who also happened to be my best roommate ever!!  Well, when I introduced the Just 'Cause Sessions, she and her sister decided to buy this 30 min. session for Barb's birthday!  

To say that I LOVE Mark and Barb would be an understatement...I mean, really.  They are truly one of the neatest couples I have ever known.  I've always felt a connection to Barb, even from a distance, because she came from a family where she was the youngest of three girls.  I secretly hoped I'd grow up to be like her in some way.  She has such a kind and comfortable way about her...when I'm around her, I find myself wishing we could talk "life" over a cup of coffee.  And Mark...if I could think of descriptor for him, it would be "light".  There's a brightness and positive atmosphere surrounding him...he makes people feel like they've got someone in their corner, cheering them on, in Mark.  I love that so much.

I just thought they both looked so great...and I was loving Barb's little sweater and blouse.  I hear she had her girls help style her outfit. :)
They've been married for a while and have raised children and now have grandchildren...and there's still a freshness about their love and friendship.

I love this one...Barb, you're so cute!
Mark...I really love this one of you.
How can you not just love them?

Mark + Barb...
Thank you so much for letting me spend some time taking these pictures and for trusting me with your shoot! I know having your picture taken isn't the most comfortable thing for either of you...but you were amazing!! :)  
You've been an example to me far longer than I'm sure you'd guess, and I am so thankful for you both and your family.  All my love.


leah said...

tami, you nailed it. again. mom & dad look SO adorable. my favorite is the 4th one. is my mom gorgeous or what? i'm secretly hoping i gray like her. she pulls it off SO well.

you describe them well! they have a very sweet love and friendship even after all these years.

Christa said...

Wow! I love these pictures! They look great. I would agree, they are a great couple!

sarah.flyingkites said...

I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for these :) Tami, THANK YOU!!! They are adorable. I'm with leah on #4 - perfect! :)

Pam said...

SO AWESOME!!!!!! Love those two too!!!!

Rebekah said...

I LOVE these so much!! Everyone of them is so great and captures them so well!

I also love the way your described them...love these two so much! I feel very lucky to get to call them family.

Jamie Rink said...

Everything about these is perfect! You described them for sure! What a great couple and I love that they had pictures taken of them. Way to go Mark and Barb. Love you guys!

leah feller said...

awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome. GREAT job tami! these are soooo good.

Emilia Jane said...

Oh my gosh. Tami. The one of their hands. I love all of them but that literally made my heart stop.

megs @ whadusay said...

Love these pictures and Love the couple in them! So special!!

Kristy said...

I just can't help but SMILE as I look through these :) Amazing job, Tami, and U Mark & A Barb...you are so adorable...she really captured your personalities well!! Love 'em :)

Jill said...

These are so incredible! They are such a neat couple!

Amber said...

Love them all!! How cute are they?!?! Love Mark and Barbie :)

emilykate said...

Oh my - they are the best! Loved this so much!

barb said...

Love the pictures and love the couple!! Known them for a looong time and they've always been as great as they are today.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Coming from Mark's oldest sister--Mark couldn't have gotten a better wife! Have them tell you their "love" story sometime! Great pictures! Great idea, Leah and Sarah!
Mary K.

smw said...

These made me tear up.

heidi said...

LOVE the pictures and the amazing couple!

Daveana said...

Awesome job TAMI! These are great! What a lovely couple! :)

Amanda Miller said...

Oh gosh, I love these, Tami!!!

jessica leman said...

Oh my, these are so precious! I don't even know them but I wish I did! :) great idea for the "just cause" shoots. Love that!

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