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GNO - Christmas Party!

Last night, Heidi and Katie hosted a Girl's Night Out for Christmas! Everyone brought delicious food, we played games, and had a great time. I had my camera and got some pictures of the evening.

Thanks, Heidi and Katie for a great night!



Mindy said...

Such a fun night! Thanks for capturing it Tami!

Heidi said...

Very fun Tam! I am glad you got your camera out. The pictures look so pretty!


Haley said...

Thanks for the fun night girls! I feel very blessed to have such great friends! Fun pictures Tami!!!!

Jami said...

Ah yes, that was "deliciously" fun!

Amber said...

I was SO sad I missed it. Can you believe I had forgotten to put it on my calender in the chaos of our life this past month. : ( Glad you girls had a fun night!

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