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Lesson on Living

A few months back, I got an e-mail. I hadn't ever heard of her before...but that wasn't new. She was inquiring about getting pictures taken. As I read on, I realized that this wasn't just another email...she went on to explain that her husband has a sickness that will not allow him to be around as long as she would want. Immediately, I did a quick search on his condition and my heart ached as I read and thought about this husband, the father of young boys whose life seems too short.

We scheduled the shoot, and I went wondering how I could use my photography to somehow reach out to this family. I wondered what I could do for them. However, as I began the shoot, I realized that I wasn't there to give, but to learn a lesson...a lesson on living. I watched as this husband and wife looked at each other with love. I could tell that they not only loved each other but they really LIKED each other. I wasn't there to pose and prod, but to document their love. I was touched with how easily they laughed together as a family. So as I clicked my camera that afternoon so they have some photographs that will turn old and wrinkled, I was touched by this love and laughter and I left with a lesson, not only on how to die but how to live. Thanks, "B" family for letting me be a part of this special day!



teresa said...

such a beautiful, loving family. thanks for sharing.

Heidi said...

wonderful post Tam.

Leslie Ringger said...

great post and pictures! i love the one where they're looking at eachother. so genuine.

Pam said...

I don't know them but these are neat pictures!

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