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I've been a complete Scrooge this Christmas season!  Somehow, time has gotten away from me while I've been busy quitting jobs, starting businesses, and I'm not sure what else.  If you know me at all, you know I'm crazy for Christmas...but you should see our place here.  The only thing that resembles Christmas are two stockings that I thumbtacked onto our fireplace hearth! It's terrible!!!  How can this be?! I realized today that I only have 8 DAYS until Christmas, and I have no gifts, made no cards, and have listened to only a couple Christmas songs. If I'm real quiet, I can almost hear the chains of Jacob Marley.   

Well, as they say, I can't cry over spilled milk...so my dear readers, I repent for my neglect of Christmas this year and am determined to make this last week a merry one! Get ready for some really obnoxious posts filled with a lot of Christmas cheer! :)


sarah.flyingkites said...

oooo, I can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Tami, I have been just the same, minus the stockings! No decorations up, no Christmas cards going out, one present bought...
Yesterday I had to stop and think if Christmas was past or still coming. Somehow, with all that's gone on and going on in our lives, it just hasn't been "Christmassy" here. I determined to put up at least a few decorations tomorrow, so we can enjoy a week or two of a little Christmas spirit.

Looking forward to your obnoxious posts!

Love you so much!
Aunt Pam

Anonymous said...

Yay...and I love the mug from anthro. I always love your pics. Maybe once we buy our house I will buy some of these pics to put up in it!

Heidi said...

I've been the same way...one reason being, that we are not having any parties or any celebrations here at our house, so I have not been in the mood to finish my decorating.

Kait H. said...

I felt the same way. Tara put our tree up before thanksgiving because she was on a cleaning spree. So i didnt get to help set it up and it fetl like anitclimactic.
And until yesterday in chicago when i was christmas shopping it just felt like a really cold fall. haha.
Looking forward to your christmasy posts!

Unknown said...

I just read A Christmas Carol on a recent flight. What a great quick read for a classic! Have you recently read it or did you just have Jacob Marley stuck in the back of your head?

Tami said...

John! What's up?! No, I hadn't recently read it, but I LOVE that story!!! Normally (except for this year), I watch it or have gone to the play every year 'cause I love it so much!!!
Hope you're having a great Christmas season across the ocean!!!

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