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"Love is in the details"- {Michigan Wedding}

Thank you.  I just had to say that before I go on.  Thank you sooooo very much for your comments on my last post.  They each meant so much to me, and I appreciated it so much! I'm convinced I have the best readers. :)

Okay, so you're probably wondering where my previously promised "obnoxious holiday cheer" post is!  Well, let's just say that due to some technical difficulties, I do not currently have photoshop.  So, with that said, those pictures will still be coming.  Until then, I thought I'd post just a couple pictures from the wedding I shot this past weekend.

Besides the fact that I simply adore Holly and Kent, there were so many things that I LOVED about this wedding...and one of those things were the details in this wedding! OoooOOooohhh the details!!!  I'm pretty sure that the props go to Holly's mom and Cheri J. (friend of the bride's family) for the magic that was in the details.

I don't want to post too many pictures before Holly gets back from her honeymoon and can look at them, so until then (and until I get photoshop back), here are just a couple...Carmen, you asked once to see some of my pictures SOOC (straight out of camera - meaning, no editing), well, here they are!

I was in love when I saw this bride and groom.  Oh. My. Word.  I've decided that I may have to get married some day, just so I can have a set of my own. :)
Kent and his groomsmen all wore matching socks!  Let me tell you, the part you don't see in this picture where they're all holding up their pants was hilarious!

 You simply have to love a girl who knows how to pick out a killer pair of shoes.  Kate Spade did not disappoint and Holly rocked these out in true HP style.


smw said...

so cute. i can't wait to see the other pictures!

Abi said...

Who needs photoshop when these pictures are so amazing?? Want to teach me? :)

Brooke said...

Oh those shoes.... swoon! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Love them....anxiously awaiting more pics...hurry up Holly and Kent!

sarah.flyingkites said...

LOVE THE PICTURES!!! Can't wait to see the rest!

leah said...

love em tam, they're great!

you did such a good job...it was fun to watch you in action--you are such a fun photographer!

Rebekah said...

after seeing these, I'm not a bit worried about this shoot. It's going to be great! ...kind of like your "I KNOW I flunked that exam!!" bit eh? :)

Carmen O. said...

I looked at these a few days ago, and thought, Well, if she doesn't have photoshop, then what is she using? :) lol just realized you said there is no editing done!

Way to go!

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