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Rocky and Sharon

I really adore this family and was BEYOND honored that I got to do this shoot.  Sharon and I grew up as good friends from grade school on up. Her talent for art and design are truly exquisite and has a style that always makes me wish I could live in her world.

I ran into her this past winter at the mall and we got to talking and before I knew it, we had decided to exchange services...I'd take some pictures of her kids, and she'd help me decorate my office space!!!  Um, let me just let you in on a little secret...I'm definitely the one that got the better deal! I'm not even kidding.  I'm afraid she's going to do an "Aha!" and I'll be found out!

Share, you're one of those people that I get to call "an old friend"...and I love that.  Your family is beautiful. I've loved watching your life grow into what it is, and I'm excited to get your ideas for my space.  Love you, friend!

Is it okay to say a little boy is beautiful?

Those eyes...

Watch out Rocky and Sharon, pretty sure you've got a heartbreaker in the making.

This was actually a replica of a picture Rocky had taken with his oldest son.  I love the expression of his son and how he's just leaning into his dad.  Thanks also to Roots for taking the original picture that gave inspiration to this one!

 Also, a BIG thanks to all the extremely kind comments on my last post...really, I took each one in like a sweet dessert.  I loved them all. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Tami, Great job on the pictures. I just love how their eye's sparkle. Love this family! :) Tami, Wes really loves sunday school with you. He really wants to bring in cotton candy for a little party with his class mates. He is jealous that his older brothers get to have parties at there school. :) So if you are ok with feeding a bunch of 3 year olds cotton candy he will bring it in sometime. Thanks and I love your blog. Diann

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Tami and a beautiful family Sharon! You took wonderful pictures, the style is so simple and sophisticated - love it! I agree with D, Love the pictures, the blog, and you! And you can count Felicity in on the whole cotton candy thing - she was asking for some today for her morning snack...disgusting, but true. Now that would be a Sunday that I would want to be a fly on the wall in your classroom. Notice I didn't say I would want to actually be in there helping...nope, just watching from a distance:)
Great Pictures!!

Rebekah said...

these pictures look beautiful tam! fun to finally see them here!

heidi said...

BEAUTIFUL! Such beautiful children, and the family picture is so great! Love them all!

emilykate said...

Tami, you are so talented! Awesome indoor shots! It'll be fun to see how your office space looks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking our family photos! They look amazing, the colors and lighting are so beautiful! Your gift/talent with a camera and people is fun to watch! I am thrilled and honored to be able to help you with your studio! Can't wait to get to it. And believe me, I think I am the one who got the better end of this deal.
Spending time with you reminds me of the good old days. It reminds me of when I was 10(or so) and I would come over to sing around the piano and then jump on your neighbors trampoline! How fun were those summer days.
You really are a talented young lady and I am excited to see God's talents unfold through your life!
You Inoue Girls' have always had a special place in my heart.... Love you all!
Thanks again, Sharon

Tami said...

Um, Wes is my new best friend...Diann, did you know that cotton candy is one of my favorite things?! So, yes that would be SO fun! I think that is such a fun idea!!! I'm sure the kids would appreciate it after the face that all the other kids in sunday school got bags of valentine's day candy and what did our class get? Um, they each got one candy heart. Yeah, the ones that say, "Be mine" and "Call me". Disappointed children? Affirmative. So, yep, they're always up for some sugary. :)

And DB, you can stand outside our classroom door and peer in through the little window. :) I'm sure it'll be entertaining!

Sharon, those were such good times!! The hours spent on that trampoline...hundreds I'm sure! I'm warning you, this space needs help! :) We'll be in touch!

Tara said...

Love her house decor and her kids are adorable. Their eyes just pop in these pictures. Nice work Tam!

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