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VLOGS...Take 2



2 years ago, I accepted a challenge with several other artists to post a Vlog (video-blog) every day for 30 days!!  The challenge had me showing you my juicing routine, a makeup tutorial, cooking lesson, doing a jig in Ireland, taking you on a shoot, and doing just a LOT of talking.  
Since that time, I've played with the idea of vlogging again...and I'm excited/nervous to say that I'm in the beginning stages of making new vlogs!  It's not going to be 30 days straight...and it will include more people than myself!    
So, here's where you come in...if there is a question, topic, activity, or person you'd like vlogged about, let me know and I'll do my best to make it happen! You can comment or message me (tami@tamipaigephotography.com).  

Until then...


leah said...

wahoo! i'm excited about this! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for seeing more of you and your antics!

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