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TamiGrami: Nature's Art


It's the weekend...and so, you know what that means...:)


The word for this week is:
Nature's Art


Here's the explanation ...

I post a phrase.

...no explanation.

Just a phrase.

You can take the word however you want, and take an Instagram picture representing that word.

*You can follow me on Instagram by Clicking HERE or finding me at @tami_paige 


And from last time,
the phrase was "Change"...

The random pick was from @alisonsutter...I was excited this was the picture 'cause I not only love my friend Alister, but the composition of this is great! I love how it says so much with so little.  Thanks for posting Al!!


Be sure that when you take the picture... 
hashtag: #tamigrami 
tag me @tami_paige 

so we can easily see eachother's images 
and so I can also see the images if you're images are private.  

I will pick a picture randomly 
(this is NOT a contest...so don't be worried or stressed! ha!)
post it to my blog!!  

Here's to another week of #TamiGramis.


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