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Regards from Germany

I have an odd routine every morning.  I wake up and I check the time.  Then I go to Instagram to see what 3 women in Japan had for breakfast.  That's right...I said it was odd.  But their pictures are so cute, they've got me hooked.

I roll out of bed, head to the bathroom, make breakfast, and I sit down to my list of blogs I read.  Blogs and breakfast...the perfect combination.

On that list is Jasmine Star's blog, where I found myself the other morning.  She had posted what was meant to be an inspiring post.  I was feeling inspired...but the next moment, I found myself pouring out my heart to her through a comment.  What am I doing?! What if people think I'm nuts? Oh well...thousands of people read her blog...my comment will just get lost in the feed. I click "submit"...I didn't think it went through.  I click it again.  Woops! I think I just posted that comments twice! As if once wasn't bad enough. Oh well.

I was going throughout my day when I heard my phone chime with the alert of an email.  I looked down to read this:

Hi Tami,
I just want to say, your work is amazing! And I'm so sorry, but my English ist unfortunately not good enough to describe in the right words, why your work tells, what a talented photographer you are! Please don't give up your dreams...

Regards from Germany
(I'm a Jasmine Star blogstalker too...)

My heart filled up with tears.  Is that possible? I just don't know how else to describe it.  All I know is that  this someone...who I now consider my first friend from Germany!...took the time to not only read my crazy comment on someone's blog, but followed it to mine and wrote me a message.  Trust me, their English was perfect in speaking to my heart.  I think I read through that message 10 times.

A little later, that afternoon, my phone chimed again.  This time...

Hi, it's 2AM here in Italy and this is totally out of the blue, but I couldn't help notice your comment on Jasmine Star's blog and wanted to tell you I think you take pretty photos and it would be too bad if you gave that up.
I don't know you and don't know your story...and I'm not even supposed to contact a stranger like this, it's something we don't do over here, you know, blogs are not that big in Italy...but I checked out yours and loved loved loved Devin + Emily's photos and just wanted to let you know. I work full-time like a slave (ever seen "The Devil Wears Prada" movie???), take ugly photos with a 1000D ,and am taking out a loan to upgrade, and have just designed a stupid moodboard for my wordpress blog no one'll ever read...so I'm probably the last person you want to get advice from. But your pictures are just too pretty.

So hang in there!

Yes. My first friend from Italy. :)  I wished I could reach through cyberspace and hug her.  I want to cheer her on and say she can do it.  That I want to see her moodboard and read her blog that she thinks no one will ever read!  But most of all, I wanted to thank her for hearing me.

I'm not posting this so you will all tell me great job and stick to it, 'cause you already say that all the time and I'm not leaving photography anytime soon. :)  But in a world of photography where the competition can be rather cut-throat, people like this or my Share Group really stand out.

I used to do a feature on here where I would celebrate everyday heros...You know, I think I want to bring it back.  I'm not sure when I quit doing that.So today, I'm thinking of my friend S from Germany and G from Italy, and I'm celebrating them as my heroes.  
So cheers from the U.S. to you, my friends!!  

And because I know you think I'm nuts, I just have to ask you, Wouldn't you check to see what the Japanese ladies ate every morning when their pictures are sooooo pretty?! That's right...you can stop laughing at me now. :)  


Emilia Jane said...

I am seriously going to have to follow them on Instagram! AND OH MY GOSH THOSE EMAILS ARE AWESOME!!! You are so wonderful, and I can't wait to get to know you more :-)

Tara said...

Well I'm glad you're making new friends! :-) Now I'm very curious to go search Jasmine's blog to find out what you said....TWICE. :-) I hope you never give it up. You truly have a talent. And I'm enamored by these women's breakfast? How do they have the patience to do that every morning?

Amber said...

all I could think is that those ladies can't have kids. . : )

love how God shows us His love in so many unexpected placed!

leah said...

oh my word!!! this is awesome...love the random emails of encouragement...

and tara--i TOTALLY agree, i want to read that comment(s)! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that those three women eat breast AND have time for a picture! :)
From the very bad breakfast eater!

Anonymous said...

AHHHH I meant to say I'm amazed that those three women eat BREAKFAST!!!! I work at a doctor's office and I'm blog hopping at work OOPS!!! SORRY Tami, you can delete that comment

Rebekah said...

so great...and you already know I love these ladies' photos too. Surprisingly enough they have kids. Just another example of how awesome some of these Japanese women are :)

emilykate said...

I was reading dev your blog from a bar where we're having pre-dinner drinks in our honeymoon. I keep checking our photos to see comments and because I love them, so I'm commenting to you even though I'm supposed to be busy with my husband. :) this post was great! And I keep telling devin how cool you are. You've made this whole wedding experience even greater!! Love ya!

smw said...

truly wonderful.

heidi said...

Love it! all of it. :)

and i want to start following those women too!

Leslie Ringger said...

love this post, tam!

by the way, as an english speaker I don't know enough english words to tell you how great you are. just sayin.

(boo. capitalizing words to create emphasis doesn't work when the word is "I")

Anonymous said...

Tami or (Tum Tum) ;),
Just wanted to say I think you're awesome and I love you!!! You are a very talented young women. I love the pics you took of my children and admire them everyday on my wall!! Thanks, I still owe you some design help in exchange for them.... so please let me know when you want me to come over. I want to see your studio.
Sharon O.

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