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Ireland: Days 4+5

So, my pictures from Ireland keep coming. :) I've been taking a break on editing them between shoots I've been doing, but it's always so fun to sit back down with the pictures and feel like I get to go back through my memories.

I apologize if you're getting tired of the posts about Ireland, but to it's just a good way for me to document them for myself and Leslie...I'm hoping to eventually make a coffee table album of all my images, but until then, they're finding their place on my blog!

So, on day 4, we spent the morning in Dingle eating french toast with brie cheese...super delicious, and I've actually made it since I've been home and feel like I'm back in the little restaurant there in Dingle.  After breakfast, we just wondered the streets where we found The Little Cheese Shop...I couldn't help but wish my dad was there with me, knowing how much he would have LOVED this place.  To quote Daddy, "The stinkier the cheese, the better it tastes!"
I'm not a cheese expert, but what I tasted, I LOVED...best fresh mozzarella I've ever had!
Not only was the cheese delicious, but the shop and how it was set up was just adorable...it was the Shop Around the Corner of cheese shops!
 As you can tell, I took a ton of pictures of this shop...'cause it would be a shame to forget such a wonderful place. :)
Seriously...AMAZING fresh mozzarella! Worth every Euro. :)

The lady that owned The Little Cheese Shop also had a stand at the little food market in the town square (for lack of a better description).  Leslie and I each bought ourself some cheese at the cheese shop, crackers, and I got an olive salad...which we ate for lunch in the car while we drove along the coast up towards Galway Bay. 
Near Galway, we stopped to take pictures of these cows just grazing by the bay...
It never DAWNED on me until I got back in the car that these cows could have charged us...then again, do cows charge? I don't know the answer to that...but these are Irish cows, so I'm sure they would be perfectly lovely. :)
I was kind of obsessed with this girl...and NO, I don't have a zoom on my camera...the cow really was this close, and no fence.
Isn't she cute? Loved her color with the scenery.
Okay, so my favorite Irish song has to be Galway Bay...that was the one place I KNEW I had to go.  I've imagined going to Galway for years because I just love that song sooooo much. It's a very large bay, so this was just one side of it...
Another view of Galway Bay.
That night, we stayed at the Rockfield House, with Tim and Kathleen as our hosts.  We absolutely fell in love with this couple...all our hosts were simply lovely, but these two felt like grandparents to us, and we spent the rest of the trip talking about and missing Tim and Kathleen.
 Day 5, we drove further north, and happened upon this park that was just sitting there along the side of the road.  I'm not kidding when I say that I wouldn't have even questioned it had some fairy or speaking woodland creature come up and asked for directions! We couldn't get over how fairytale-ish it felt!
 We FINALLY stopped to take pictures of some sheep.  We saw them the entire trip, but were never at the right place to stop for a picture, until this one.
We had to park about a quarter of a mile up the road to get our sheep picture, and I was laughing so hard while we were running up hill against a very gusty wind!
Okay, so self-timed photos aren't always the best idea.  Not sure why Leslie can always pull off looking cute and I look like a tornado is spinning around my very head!

This was Kylemore Abbey where nuns currently live.  I suddenly really wanted to be a nun.  Fraulein Maria's life was looking pretty good to me!
On the grounds of the Abbey...if you're a wedding photographer, you may have been picturing a bride and groom standing under that beautiful arched tree, like I was doing!
The gardens at the Abbey...
Me: "Leslie! Let me take a picture of you."
Leslie (as she starts spinning around): "I'm trying to give you something to work with!"
More views of the Abbey...
An actual nun inside the abbey...and a really pretty chair that reminded me of Scarlett O'hara
The man who build the estate for his wife (years back, before it was an Abbey), build her a chapel of her very own.  It's small, but so pretty.
And that wraps up this part of the trip!


leah said...

oh wow--keep them coming--i'm loving these pictures as ireland is crawling up the list of my places to visit!

emilykate said...

Each Ireland post I think, "no, these are my favorite set"...

Vanessa said...

Yep, a trip to Ireland has definitely just been added to my bucket list...

Rebekah said...

so gorgeous!!

heidi said...

I am also loving the pictures from Ireland! My favorite is the 'Chapel of her own'. How romantic and neat!!!

Amanda Miller said...

Ummm, I want one of those cow photos framed in our house! I'm completely serious! Love them!!!!

And that abbey, I die! MUST SHOOT WEDDING THERE! :P

Tami said...

Amanda...I know. I almost went on a frantic search for a couple in love just to convince them to quickly get married so I could shoot it! Us photographers are just a really weird bunch! Haha!

And Heidi, yes, I agree...their the guy that build this place and his wife sounded like they had a really sweet relationship. On the outside of the chapel, where there are usually scary gargoyles, he had angel gargoyles to represent his love for his wife and how he thought she was such a kind person! I tried to take a picture of them with major fail...but I think Leslie got some!

Leslie Ringger said...

holy goodness, tam! i'm just now realizing you're posting all these pics and GREAT memories! (lesson #1 in not ONLY using one's iphone to check internet!) SO much fun and oh my word i just LOVE tim and kathleen! aMAZing pictures, girl. you actually come super close to capturing ireland's awesomeness :)

ps. your welcome for my super cool posing. feel free to use it in your next wedding shoot :)

smw said...

these are all just so great. i can't get over what an amazing trip this looks like. and with a building like that abbey, and in the setting it was, i don't blame you for considering nunnery. :)

Daveana said...

AHHH These are so beautiful! Makes me want to go to Ireland even more! I didn't even think that was possible! :) Can't wait to see more!

Rachel said...

What an amazing place...the pictures are so beautiful! Makes me want to go eat some cheese! :)

jessica leman said...

wowzers! I got chills looking at some of these pictures! SO very beautiful! Makes living in Illinois kind of boring :)

Anonymous said...

so beautiful.

Mindy said...

SUCH beautiful pictures! I felt like I was in a fairy tale just looking at the pictures!

Lauren said...

Seriously...your pictures are giving me major travel envy! Must. Travel. Soon! Absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

favorite ireland post to date...loved every picture. the cheese shop is so quaint. it makes american delis look rather unappealing. and the abbey is too beautiful for words. what a place! and i must inform you that cows do indeed charge. why else did i make you three meet me at the cow pasture?! that bull was just itching to charge me. ha:)

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