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Kevin + Amanda {Engagement}

It had never happened to me before...
When I have that initial meeting with a potential client of mine, it feels a lot like a blind date.  You've talked with them over e-mail, exchanged some information about ourselves...but usually, my clients know what I look like but I don't know who I'm looking for.  As Kevin + Amanda (and her sister who is her wedding coordinator! Go her!!!) came in, I had to do a double take as I realized I knew Amanda!!  It was such a fun surprise! She was a roommate of a friend of mine years ago, but I hadn't kept in touch with Amanda.
It was so fun to get to catch up and meet Kevin...and see that they had both found such a great match! Kevin is very "computer smart" as he was so sweet and nodded along while I tried to explain how their images would be "hosted in a cloud"! Haha...I ended up having him explain it to me...thanks, Kevin! :) 
We shot around a beautiful park and some cute shops in Peoria...what a fun afternoon! It not only makes me excited for their wedding, but also makes me feel at ease about it because Kevin and Amanda are so easy to work with!

I had to take a picture of this walking stick that I thought was being provided by the park! Haha! I'm obvioulsy in wedding mode...I was thinking of it as a party favor for the visitors.  We quickly decided that we think a hiker had just left it there. :)

 I love how much they just really like eachother...
 I was kinda taken with this bench!! And the couple on it. :)
This was one of those, "Oh Kevin! Do that again!" moments...they always try to sneak those by me as if I'm not going to see it and make them do it for me over and over again. :)

 I love this one...probably one of my favorites from the day.

 Kevin + Amanda...
During our shoot, I felt like we were friends hanging out and I happened to bring a camera along! That's a great feeling to have (for me!). Your relationship is one of those that makes marriage look fun...because you laugh at each other so quickly, compliment easily, and love fully.  It's an honor to be an observer of that.  I'm excited for your big day!



Abby Pfeiffer said...

Tami, I swear your photos become more and more gorgeous every time! You did such a great job with Kevin and Amanda's pictures!!

Amanda Miller said...

They are totally aodrable!

Rebekah said...

These are really good as always!!

heidi said...

What a cute couple! She has such a sweet smile!
Great job Tam!!

Amanda Boydstun said...

Tami, you did amazing!! I love them! It was so great working with you, too. You are so sweet and fun to be around. I think we're now ready for the main event ;-)

Kelly K said...

They are all so precious! They are such a work of art. I wish I could make posters from them!! Can't wait to see the wedding pics.

Joanne said...

so sweet!! Amanda, you're all smiles! and your outfit looks great ;)

Tara M said...

That's a couple in love! Love the pics, guys.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful!!! You guys look great - brought a HUGE smile to my face and tears to my eyes! So happy for you!! ~Mary

Ashley said...

Comment number 10. Love, Ashley (AKA - the other AMB ;))

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! What a neat mix of nature and scenic boardwalk. Gorgeous happy smiles! We're so excited for you! ~Jeanette

Sarah E said...

Great pictures! So excited for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Your photographer captured they love you have for one another! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Tami...

I personally LOVE these two beautiful people and the love they have for each other. You, dear, saw that spark and caught it with your camera in such a marvelous way. Thanks so much for caring and using your photography to bless all of us!

Anonymous said...

PS: I second Joanne... you are TOTALLY GORGEOUS, Amanda!

Anonymous said...

Such cute pics! You guys make such a cute couple!

Brandy said...

Beautiful pictures! And a beautiful couple. I CAN NOT wait to see the wedding pics. Thanks for the shout out Tami. :-) - The Sister

Kel said...

Great photos! So happy for you both! :-)

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures! There are so many good ones its going to be hard to choose!! ~Becky H

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. These are amazing! They capture you both so well.

Aunt Pam said...

I love these two kids and your pictures are amazing. Wonderful job

Anonymous said...

Great photos of both of you! I love the natural setting. My fave is of the two of you in profile on the bridge. Very sweet!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Missing you!! Lovely pics.

Steve and Sophie xx

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. the wedding photos are going to be wonderful. Mom

The Sauders said...

Love this couple and these pictures!

Unknown said...

You look as if you have been married forever. What God has brought together let no one separate.

Kristen Dotson said...

Beautiful pictures!

DeeDee said...

They do really like each other, and it shows through the pics!

Wendi said...

What great pictures! My favorite is the sweet kiss from Kevin while you are sitting on the bench!

Kari :o) said...

These look great!

Jogirl said...

SO excited for you, Amanda!! :) Can't wait to celebrate with you on Saturday!!

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