To say that I'm not a cat person would be an UNDERSTATEMENT.
I tried to muster up some kind of sadness when I heard my cousin's cat had died...but even then, I felt relief for her...not sadness. I'm not someone that finds cat videos funny, I think they all generally have the same personality, and let's be honest, I kind of find them boring. I've gotten better in that I used to have a real aversion to them...whereas now, I can have one sit beside me and I'm okay with it. I never understood why someone would own a cat, unless you lived on a farm...I prefer dogs. I LOVE dogs...and have wanted one for quite some time, but since I can't have one where I live, I've just gone without a pet.
About a year ago, my sister's family adopted a cat...her name was Lola.
I found Lola to be an exception to my dislike for cats because in a weird way, she reminded me of my sister! Haha! She was very sweet and a little timid. If invited in she'd just sit and was really calm. I actually liked Lola...not loved...but liked her.
This past summer, Lola had kittens. It's been cat-central around here, and I'll occasionally hold a kitten when one of my nieces or nephews have asked me to, or if I see one being flung, I'll find myself running to it's rescue. Recently, we discovered that Lola and 3 of her kittens found themselves a new home. One where they're being served cream for dinner...but for some reason, there was one kitten that stayed. He's been sitting in the garage alone and every night, he sounds like he's crying. I'm not sure why, but there was something about him being left behind and feeling lonely that made me wonder if I should consider taking him.
I could do this...I imagined myself working on my computer on one couch and the little Mr. sitting on the other couch. It would be quite picturesque. So, I told my sister I'd take him...
Last night, I situated myself on the couch in hopes of watching the final presidential debate...when I realized this Mr. is NOT what I was expecting. He is the MOST affectionate cat EVER!!! I couldn't even get a drink without him following me...and forget about sitting on the other couch. He insisted on sitting right by my face...
I am seriously questioning whether this relationship is going to work out.
I thought cats were supposed to be aloof...distant..."catty". How is it that I ended up with the emotionally needy, completely over-affectionate, has to constantly be near me kind of cat?
Apparently, he felt the night was a success...
i seriously, laughed the whole way through this post! those pictures are HILARIOUS!
Love this! Something about that cat seems a little endearing. :) I can so relate to this...I'm NOT a cat person, in fact I usually hate them. I scoff at those cat videos and ridiculed anyone who would follow a cat in instagram. Then this past weekend I was around a kitty and kind of liked her! Devin is pretty close to talking me into getting a kitty and I can't believe this switch. I'm blaming pregnancy, but maybe there's some sort of cat fever in the air. :)
Oh Tami~
I love this. The pictures themselves speak volumes:) He is quite a pretty little cat, despite his obvious neediness. I'm not a cat lover either. The figure eights they make at peoples feet always turned me off to them. Ha.
Have a great week.
Love this post! I have always loved cats - had one growing up and one when I was away at school - and am TRYING to convince Mark to give one a try. :) I will definitely show him this post to try and sway him to my side and show him how they can be dog-like...kinda. :)
I am definitely not a cat person! But, I can't help but think it's just too adorable that he wants so much love from you! :P
Haha! Love this post!
I can't believe you got a cat! These pictures are hysterical.
You make me smile !
I love this so much!
This so gross and funny! I'm right there with you...don't like cats.
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