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Ooooh Kathie Inoue.  She was known for a good line or two. :) 

My mom and I would always signs notes back and forth with the same tagline, "Faster. Higher. Stronger."...and hers is the voice in my head, telling me to do just that...it's kind of annoying at times, I'll be honest. ;)

You give me a topic, and I'm sure I could think of a Kathie-quote.  So, in honor of Mother's Day, here are eleven (of MANY) that still haunt motivate me. ;)

1. Get rid of what you don't want, to make room for what you do.

2. Remember who you represent.

3. Don't ever be too proud to pick up a penny
Sidenote: I've never liked picking up pennies and still rarely do!...sorry, mother dear. ;)

4. We're raising you to be leaders...and leadership is uncomfortable. So get used to being uncomfortable.

5. If you love on people, you will never lack friends. Don't ever be so selfish to think you're the only one lonely...just look in the corners of the room and you'll find plenty of people who would welcome your conversation.

6. You can never out-give God.

7. It's better to spend a little more on classic and a little less on trendy.

8. Ask questions

9. There are friends who are there for a season...and then there are friends who you'll grow old with...invest in the latter.

10. The best cure for depression is serving others.

11. The one thing everyone in this world has in common, is everyone just wants to be loved. So love.

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!!


Tara said...

Awe love this Aunt Kathie quotes! I think my mom stole a few from your mom because they sound awfully familiar! haha

petite+grand said...

:).. & Prim looks quite a bit like you in this photo, which is lovely!

~Christy said...

Your mom was a smart woman! Love these quotes! Definitely advice to live by!! xoxo

Unknown said...

thanks for posting!! Makes me miss your Mom and her level headed common sense and encouragement to all she knew. She motivated me to be a better person just by being the best she could be herself.
I love the quotes so thanks again for sharing!

Pam said...

Love this, Tami. Very sound advice and I can just hear her saying them!

vballsetter said...

Wow! These are beautiful. I'm adding all of them to my favorite quotes journal. You are blessed and you are blessing all of us by sharing on your blog and in your life.

Anonymous said...

These all sound just like the Kathy I knew and loved. I remember always loving the way she said beautiful. It was beauty-ful. The three of you girls all represent parts of her, and that is beautiful.

Kasey said...

Love this Tam! Such a great tribute to a wise woman. You reflect her well, as I've heard you say and seen you live out many of these lines before.

sarah.flyingkites said...

Wow, powerful and so special!

leah said...

i'm late to read this. but wow, so special and wise! :) thanks for sharing!

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