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it's fun...it's surreal...it's a little bit scary. if you've noticed, i have a different heading for my blog. it feels a bit like i've graduated to the next class as i've taken my first wedding and am finishing up with the editing of it. i'll be sure to post some pictures of it in the near future, but don't think it's fair to post them here before the bride and groom have had a chance to see them first!

i don't have much to say, but felt that the first posting of a wedding picture deserved at least a small mention.

happy weekend!


Heidi said...

So pretty Tam! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Haley said...

Love the header! Absolutely gorgeous!!

Amber said...

I already love the first one Tam - I've always known you'd be great a weddings. It'll be so fun to see them as you post!

smw said...

can't wait to see them!

Daish said...

I'm excited to see them!!

leah said...

haha...and i just commented on your old heading tonight!

i love this and can't wait to see the new pictures...

you're grrrrrrrrrrreat.

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