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Now Booking for 2010!


Christmas is over and the New Year has come! And I'm excited that I've started booking for 2010! I've got my new pricelist out and I'm really anxious to see what this year will bring and the clients I'll get to shoot! Uh, that didn't sound so good. :) Anyway...

If you're needing gift ideas, having a baby, getting married, graduating, or simply just want a reason to get your picture taken, give me a call or check out the website! I'd love to hear from you!!!

With the new year bring new changes, and Tami Paige Photography is getting a bit of a facelift! The first being a more professional looking pricelist. So, here's a peek at it!

Hope you're all having a fabulous new year!!!



Heidi said...

Tam, the new price list looks so fab! Here's to you and a successful year in 2010!

Pam said...

Very nice, Tami!

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