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Time is Sweetness

"The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows"...

17 years ago, yesterday. I was 11 years old. I was scared. I was lost...I was saved. I celebrated 17 years of walking with my Love. He, my dear Jesus, took me in as "His" 17 years ago. As we met this mile marker, I turned around feeling like it was both just last week and a lifetime ago all in the same moment. How do I try to contain all the emotions, experiences, and moments we've shared into words made of simple letters?
As I let my mind walk back through these years, I'm filled with both excitement and sadness. Sadness because with our relationship, I think back of times I've hurt Him and wish I was so much farther along. That I had loved Him deeper, worshipped Him more purely, followed Him quicker, and believed in Him more fully. But I'm also excited as I think of those moments that only He knows of, the memories we keep, the talks we've had, and the love we share.

So, to you, my Father, my Love, my Constant Companion...I love you. I can't imagine life any other way than with you. I can't wait to spend eternity with you when human sin and boundaries aren't. Thank you for choosing me. For loving me more than I could ever know. I love knowing that eternity with you started 17 years ago.

All my love.


sarah.flyingkites said...

Wow, 17 years....congratulations!

Thanks for sharing...

Rebekah said...

its hard to believe its been that long. but you're right...the relationship grows sweeter with time. i look forward to see you continue to grow in your relationship with Him too. Your post also motivates me in my love relationship with HIm too.

thanks and i love you!


Amber said...

Happy Birthday Tami . . .your faith has strengthen and encouraged mine often.

i love you. : )

Leslie Ringger said...

wow tam. happy birthday. and great post :)

Heidi said...

Oh how marvelous HE is!


Janet said...

So very cool! thanks so much for sharing, Tami!


Pam said...

A heart-warming post, Tami. It's been many more years for me and I have so many of the same feelings - regrets for how often I've failed to love Him more deeply, give Him first place in my time and priorities but also the communications only He and I share and the strength and comfort those memories give me. It does continue to grow deeper and sweeter with the passing of time - not because I get much better, but because He is so faithful and so completely loving.

I love you, Honey. How blessed you are to have spent more than half of your life already, walking with Him.

Aunt Pam

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