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My Assistant

Usually, when I shoot a wedding, either my sister Rebekah or Heidi assists me as a second shooter.  Well, they were both busy during Kent and Holly's wedding, so even though I didn't have a second shooter, my roommate, Leah, assisted me!  She was awesome.  She carried cameras, lenses, a reflector, and whatever else I tossed at her.  She dusted snow out of hair, off suits, and fixed dresses.  She even shot some pictures of the first look!  So, I thought I'd post some pictures of Leah's work in action!

This is Leah brushing suits and hair off! As you can see, she's also holding a bunch of things in her arm! Poor girl...I warned her before, "I'm really going to make you work if that's okay!" She said it was okay. :)

These pictures crack me up! The night before the wedding, I gave Leah a crash course on how to focus on a moving subject.  This is me acting like I'm Holly seeing Kent for the first time! :)  Wouldn't I make a lovely bride?!...don't answer that. :)

Notice Leah shooting the first look!!! The picture on the right is me getting my lighting using Leah as my subject!

Leah, you were awesome!!! Thanks girl!


Jenna said...

Leah would make a GREAT assistant... I might hire her now when she is back in bluffton. :) I can't wait to see these pictures!

sarah.flyingkites said...

that's my little sis...

Heidi said...

Leah is awesome! I am so glad you had her. The pictures are great.

Christen Leigh said...

I'm not suprised-- that Leah is a special gal.

And WOW their reception hall and the whole weekend just looked like a magical wonderland from the few pictures I have seen on fb and elsewhere. How fun!!

P.S. Your "resolving to do better post" makes me smile and I tOtAlLy relate! :)

Rebekah said...

leah looks so cute in your "light testing" picture. Leah, even though you live in our basement, I never see you! We need to start exercising or something again because I miss you!

and Tam, I'm guessing if you were a bride you wouldn't be wearing that! I have no doubt you'd be a gorgeous bride.

emilykate said...

Isn't she great?! You'll be hard pressed to find a better assistant...or friend, for that matter. :)

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