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Resolving to do better...

Some people love to make New Years Resolutions.  I'm not one of those people. Being an all or nothing kind of personality combined with a detailed perfectionist...well, let's just say that I can find New Years resolutions to be somewhat overwhelming.  I find it almost impossible to make just one
So, I break it down into categories...
  • physical: I'm going to exercise 3 times a week, drink 8 glasses of water every day, eat healthier, hit my goal weight, pretty much look amaaaazing...
  • spiritual: I'm going to go through a specific study, write people encouraging notes, go through a prayer list every day, do some awesome deed for someone every week, memorize the Bible, save the world...
  • relational: I'm going to invite people over to my house, call my friends I never talk to, travel to visit friends I never see, invite older people over for tea on Sundays, kiss at least 3 babies at church...

Point proven.

Then, last year, I went to the other extreme.  

I made 1 resolution... 
To not make any resolutions.  

It felt profound at the time...I'm not sure why.  All I was doing was giving myself permission to be a complete underachiever. Wow. Impressive.

So, here I sit, trying to figure out, how in the world do you pick 1 resolution for 2011?! I simply can't decide.  How do you choose yours?  What is your resolution?

Well, one thing that will be changing is that I have a couple fun new features to this blog! 
You wont want to miss it!!! 
I'm sooooo excited about it!


smw said...

i never make any. (how inspiring is that to you?) it's just that a new year doesn't motivate me for some reason, so i just resolve to do better and change at random times, when the conviction is there.

Sandra said...

Now normally I do make a new years resolution, however this is going to inspire you as well....just like Shar's did:).


sarah.flyingkites said...

I LOVE resolutions!!! I really think it's the satisfaction

...okay, so this is so funny, Tami. I had to stop the above sentence half-way through because I realized I was accidentally CHEATING on a 1 of my resolutions (which is I can't be on my computer during MORNING hours unless the kids are sleeping!)! It was 10 am when I started this comment and I forgot that Otto was on the floor next to me cooing and talking. Oops! Now it's 1:05pm and technically okay to be on the computer. Hahaha!

Okay, I think all I was saying was that the satisfaction of KNOWING you completed a challenge is so worth it for me!! Go resolutions!!

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this..... especially your 16+ resolutions!!! That is so totally TAMI! Your revised resolution is perfect, still perfectly you, and achievable.

The year I turned 29 was my very favorite resolution... (and it's coincidentally the *only* one I have ever achieved!). I resolved to run an accumulated 30 miles in various races by my 30th birthday. It became the year of my first half-marathon, and I finished the resolution early when I accidentally took the 10k route at a race where I'd only trained 5k (and I made myself finish despite the aches!)

The joy in resolutions, is the joy of self-discipline! That seems like an "all about ME" perspective, but realistically, I think it's something that a person can only fully achieve through the Holy Spirit! A great read.... Elisabeth Elliot's "Discipline: The Glad Surrender"

Happy New Year Tami! May you do better at EVERYTHING!

emilykate said...

One of my foster boys said his goal this year was to be more cool.

One of my favorites that I've heard.

jessica leman said...

about the only resolution I have every year is to find a really cool new calendar and use it :)
Its the small things in life that make me smile :)

Anonymous said...

One of Aaron and my ongoing new years resolutions that we've forced in to habit...only one desert at church lunch. Now I know this seems silly, why would that be a resolution? And then that famous person in church makes her fabulous deserts and you sit down, and the debate goes on and on in your head while you eat your sandwich....Which one is the most worthy? Which one do I want to savor and enjoy....

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