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Chicago Update

It seems that it's been a while since I've updated everyone on how Chicago living is going...

It's great.  I love it.  I really do.  Strangely enough, Chicago feels big but has small-town qualities to it...in things like, I run into people I know and I've made friends that work at different shops around me because you quickly become a 'regular'.

Yesterday, I walked into a coffee shop and heard myself saying to one of the girls behind the counter, "Hey Lindsay! How are ya?"...then her friend who was a DJ at a wedding I shot said, "Tami, I've been meaning to ask you about the deets on that one wedding! I want the scoop!"  I sat there and edited and a few hours later, I felt a tap on my shoulder to see another friend who happen to stop in.  Later that afternoon, I texted my roommate and asked her if she wanted to go with me to shoot the Chicago skyline 'cause I was scared to go by myself...yeah, I'm a wuss like that. :)  I love the people in my everyday life...

The best part of the city are the people.  Honestly.  Chicago...at least in my sphere of friendships...tends to draw in people who love new adventures, are open to trying things, love to be with people, and extremely welcoming.  I love that people just show up at our place, crash on our couch, and plans are often made in groups where 'everyone is invited'!

L-R: Enjoying David's Tea, a picture of my walk home from the Worm Hole (coffee shop), Jarrett Stevens at Soul City...

The food is also great...we have so many fun little restaurants in our neighborhood and I was talking to a friend telling him how picking a restaurant to eat at is my least favorite decision ever...especially if it's for a group of people.  He said it's worse for him if he's alone 'cause that means he doesn't get to try everyone else's food so he has to be a lot more careful 'cause he wants to try it all.  He makes a very good point!

L-R: Evening run that turned into taking shelter under a cover because of the downpour of rain!, Needtobreathe concert at the Riviera Theatre, my beloved SHARE group, a girl's day out at Navy Pier with some of my favorite new friends...

I love the music in this city...and it reminds me a bit of Ireland in that on any given night, there's probably some free performance you can find in one of the neighborhoods.  This city values art and artists...and of course, I love that.

L-R: Garrett's popcorn (amazing!!), Heritage General Store with my photog-friend Ben, Trivia night at Northside with the guys...

I would be lying if I said moving to the city has been all roses, unicorns, and chubby little angels.  It hasn't...there's always a struggle for me when redefining my new 'normal', when calling a new place 'home', and establishing a new friend group.  For a sentimental girl like me, it's been extremely streatching that at any given moment, I can look around and say, everything in my life is new within the past year...friendships, city, business setting, activities, church...it's all new.  And although it's been quite thrilling 95% of the time, there is the 5% that craves familiarity on certain days.  Those days either find me just sucking it up, making a quick trip to the suburbs to visit Kasey, or a weekend trip home.  

L-R: Riding the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier with my dear roommate Erin, Shooting a session with my friend Evan of friends from SHARE on the lakeshore, and an afternoon in Wicker Park with my other dear roommate Rachel!

I have been extremely blessed...in every area of my new home in Chicago.  I have friendships that feel "old"...you know the ones...where you can say it all in complete comfort.  I have friendships that are new...ones that push me, people who challenge me.  In the mean time, I'm doing what I can to take it all in, fall even more in love with my city, and living to the hilt, this new experience of being a Chicago girl. :)

If you're ever in the area, give me a call...I'd love to go to coffee with you, the lakeshore, or eat Garrett's popcorn. :)  Chicago is really quite fabulous and I'd love to show her off! :)   

P.S. If you want to follow more pictures, you can follow on Instagram at: http://instagram.com/tami_paige 
And if you don't have Instagram, well, you should get it 'cause it's pretty much one of my favorite things! :)


Candace Prokopets said...

Oh, you are making me so miss Chicago right now! I love that city so much. I always describe it the same as you, "It's a big city with a small town feel." I swear I left a piece of my heart there.

~Christy said...

You're making me fall in love with my city all over again! I've loved watching you grow and blossom in the city Tami! We must get together sometime soon! It's been too long!! XOXO!

smw said...

glad to know it's not just out of towners who are afraid of things in the big city. ;)

Amanda Miller said...

Love love love! SO happy you finally moved into the city, it suites you!!! And now lets get some coffee girl! :)

Daveana said...

Love all your pictures! Looks like you are meeting some amazing people!

Lauren said...

Ummm...I love this post and we need to have lunch! Like stat!

Christen Leigh said...

I am catching up on old blog posts....I love this! I have been wondering how you are liking the city, so I am glad that 95% of the time, it is good. :)

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