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Rebranding...Who would have guessed?

So...yes.  I am at the beginning stages of rebranding.

I've put off this process for quite some time...for a lot of reasons, but mostly, I think it's because I didn't know what my brand was.  If you ask me the kind of music, food, movies, or photography I like, I feel like I'm kind of all over the place.  Generally, I like it all!

I never go on Pinterest...I just felt like it was one more social media addiction I didn't need to have in my life.  However, it was suggested that I make a board on there of just things I like, things that catch my eye, pictures, food, clothes, music...all of it.

So, for the past couple days, I've pinned, and wouldn't let myself look at the board 'cause I didn't want to start pinning in order to make my board look cohesive.  Finally, this morning, I went to go see what it looks like...thinking I wouldn't be able to find anything that I could find inspiration for a brand...and I'll be honest, the result was very surprising to me because...

It turns out that I think I kind of have a feel for what I'm drawn to! Who would have guessed?  Basically, if I squint my eyes, I can see a cohesiveness in colors, style, and a general feel.  I have to tell you, it was such a pleasant surprise to me!!

Now, onto step two...finding the right person to help refine it.  I'll be honest, I'm both excited and curious about this process and how it works...but in any case, I think it's going to be fun, and so ready or not, here I go.


Christy Tyler said...

I cannot wait to see this come to life!!!

Britni said...

You should maybe see someone about your Zoey Deschanel obsession ;) Or better yet, maybe she can help you with your re-branding!

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