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It's Official!

Many of you know my cousin, Tara...well, I thought it only appropriate to let all of you know that she and Brian got engaged! We weren't sure when he was going to pop the question, and at one point, I even suggested to Tara that if he needed help planning the thing, he could give me a call! Um, turns out he didn't need my help at all, as he pulled it off in great style! I'd go into all the details of how it all happened, but why do that when you can read about it in her own words?! 
You can check out her blog at caliwedding.blogspot.com
I don't know how to put my friendship with Tara into words...she's my partner in crime, one of my very best friends through my entire life...more like a sister than a cousin in a lot of ways, and the person that I can spill my guts to.  We've walked a lot of the same experiences in life together...she's been there for the big and small moments of my life and I would not be the same person I am without you having been here, Tara!  You will always be one of my very best friends and I love you so much!!! 
When Brian came into the picture, I was extremely protective of Tara and a bit suspicious of the guy...I'm not gonna lie.  But, he completely won me over and I'm so excited that I've gotten to know him this past year...he's one of those people with whom I immediately feel comfortable.  He's let me tag along with him and Tara on roadtrips to and from Indiana, football games, and dinner at his house.  Yep, I love the guy...I'm honored to call him my friend!
Well, before this gets too sappy, I'll sign off, but just wanted to give three cheers to Brian and Tara!!!


heidi said...

Congratulations Tara and Brian! So happy for you guys and love the picture!

Whitney and Isaac said...

YAY!! I thought he'd never get around to doing it!

Rebekah said...

So excited for you guys Tara and Brian! I'm looking forward to September! love ya!

Kait H. said...

aww this made me cry! hahaaha love you tam tam and your sweet words! cant wait to celebrate with everyone in september!

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