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TamiGrami: Hero

She would never consider herself a hero.  In fact, when I asked her if I could pull a picture from her Facebook to put on a blog post I was writing about her, she responded with, "I'm very curious about this post"...she wouldn't assume I'd be calling her a hero, because she loves in a big way and would never think it was anything unique.

I've actually written about Kasey (or Kase, Kasey-Masey...it all works) before.  We met in Jr. High, became good friends, but truly became best friends right out of high school when she and I attended a two week INTENSE conference out in Colorado trying to shape our worldviews.  That wasn't a joke...it's true.  We went to a worldview conference.  Who does that?  We do.  The truth is, mine was already very shaped...I just spent two weeks solidifying and cementing the already-too-strong-opinions I held of this world. ;)  But, that's another post for another time.

Back to Kase.  I won't go into our long and fabulous history :)...I'll just sum it up by saying, she's someone who has consistently showed up for me in life.  She is married with three beautiful little girls.  They have all pulled me into their lives and I can't say enough good about her.

In this world of social media and this desire to be mini-celebritites, I'll just say, genuine friendships shine even brighter to me.  People who want to have real conversations, enjoy real moments, and experience authentic relationships are golden.  When I am with people who are genuine...and love in a genuine way, I want to call it out because I just love people like that so much.

Daniel + Kasey

So, I'm calling out Kase...not because she's technically...uh...confused? ;) Ha! No...but because she loves on people when no one is looking...for example:

It was a few weekends ago...and I sent her a text.  One of those, "Hey, I don't want you to worry but...just wanted you to know..." kind of texts.  You know the ones?  Now, Kase has a little bit of a fear of driving into the city...she can do it, but it's not her favorite thing to do.  Also, this was a weekend, she was at home with Daniel (her husband) and their three little girls.  She responded with, "Can I come to your place?"  I was like, "No...don't worry about it.  I'm fine. Seriously. That's not why I texted you...I just wanted to let you know."**   She said, "I just asked Daniel if he could watch the girls and before I even finished my sentence, he said, 'Of course I will'.  So, can you send me your address? I'm coming."  


She knows me very well...almost too well.  The truth is, I didn't know I wanted her to come until she said that.  She didn't give me the option...she just did...and that day, I needed that.  She is NOT someone who shows up for me to get accolades, praise, or recognition.  But today, I wanted to give it to her because this is one in a million stories I could tell on her and how she loves.  

Daniel is a hero too...as he spent his Sunday afternoon watching three little girls.  As cute as they are, I'm definitely calling "hero" on that!! Thanks my friend!!

So, now, it's your turn...  

The #TamiGrami word for this week is:

Usually, I just give a word, but this week, I want you to Instagram someone or something that represents a hero in your life.  It can be the lady at the grocery store who was just extra helpful, the poor tax guy that talked you off a ledge, or your spouse who keeps showing up for you...whoever it is, I want to hear about your hero and the people that love authentically. 

Make sure you #tamigrami so we can all easily see it!

And from last time,
the phrase was "Nature's Art"...

The random draw was Sarah's.
I was excited this was the random draw 'cause I had loved this picture so much! Such a great moment captured and shows how we all feel with the warm weather coming!! :)

And then I chose this one because my friends lost their home in a tornado this year, and I thought this picture was filled with such mixed emotions for everyone.  They've been brave warriors through it, and I'm so touched by and proud of them.  Love you, Joy-lynn. :)

*You can follow me on Instagram by Clicking HERE or finding me at @tami_paige 

**Just an FYI, it's nothing huge...everything is fine!


Mindy said...

Such a sweet post on a wonderful friend!

Daniel & Kasey said...

You are so sweet. I feel the same about you, my friend!

emilykate said...

What a great tribute! We all need friends like that!

Wendy said...

It's true she's a gem!

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