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It was a good week

This past week was a good one....busy, but very good.  It consisted of unexpected dinners with friends, getting a fun package from a friend, good conversations, some spring cleaning, a massive Easter egg hunt, breakfast in pjs with my nieces and nephews, and a visit home.  

I got to "eat" chocolate chip cookie soup made straight out of a mudpie kitchen by my nieces and nephew and deemed it, "Su-pherb young chefs!! Mwah!!"...to which they giggled uncontrollably and called me "very silly"...one of the highest compliments as there are few things they love more than silly. :)

Yep, it was a good week. 

Rebranding...Who would have guessed?

So...yes.  I am at the beginning stages of rebranding.

I've put off this process for quite some time...for a lot of reasons, but mostly, I think it's because I didn't know what my brand was.  If you ask me the kind of music, food, movies, or photography I like, I feel like I'm kind of all over the place.  Generally, I like it all!

I never go on Pinterest...I just felt like it was one more social media addiction I didn't need to have in my life.  However, it was suggested that I make a board on there of just things I like, things that catch my eye, pictures, food, clothes, music...all of it.

So, for the past couple days, I've pinned, and wouldn't let myself look at the board 'cause I didn't want to start pinning in order to make my board look cohesive.  Finally, this morning, I went to go see what it looks like...thinking I wouldn't be able to find anything that I could find inspiration for a brand...and I'll be honest, the result was very surprising to me because...

It turns out that I think I kind of have a feel for what I'm drawn to! Who would have guessed?  Basically, if I squint my eyes, I can see a cohesiveness in colors, style, and a general feel.  I have to tell you, it was such a pleasant surprise to me!!

Now, onto step two...finding the right person to help refine it.  I'll be honest, I'm both excited and curious about this process and how it works...but in any case, I think it's going to be fun, and so ready or not, here I go.

Popcorn + Youdles

I love popcorn.  I'm not sure who discovered this amazing snack, but whoever you were, I salute you.

The following may scare you, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

So my brother in law, who is also a math teacher, has told me about this concept of youdles.  It's a mathematical measurement for enjoyment.  I've tried to Google this term, and can't find it, but I trust Matt-a-tat, so I'm going with it.

The idea is to get the most youdles out of an experience.  Because of this, Matt has a specific way in which he eats Oreos, and he also knows when to stop eating them, because if you over-indulge in a pleasure, then you're not getting the most youdles and therefore, diminishing the quality and amount of enjoyment you could have.  Basically, the point is to maximize your youdles.

Well, Matt and I have spent much time talking about how to maximize our youdles...yes, we're scaring you.  But this is why my brother-in-laws are awesome.

So, back to popcorn...where all full circles end with me.

I eat popcorn about 5 nights a week...so I've had time to think about this. I have this thing where in order to maximize my youdles while eating popcorn, my bowl needs to be the right weight.  If my bowl is too heavy and bulky, then it minimizes the taste of popcorn and makes me feel like I'm eating air.  And when I sit, it's awkward to hold a really heavy bowl.  However, if I get a bowl that's too light...like a plastic bowl, that makes me feel like I'm just holing a balloon and nothing feels quite sturdy.

So, I have discovered the perfect bowl for my popcorn consumption is this strainer I have.  It's just the right size and weight...sometimes, I think in another life, I'd be Goldilocks.

Okay...I'm done with that weird bowl topic.  Just felt like it needed to be shared. :)

But I was also going to say is that I try many different mixtures of popcorn, and thought you should know about a couple...

1. I think Stircrazy or popcorn made in a popcorn pan on a stove is the best.  However, that's often not an option, so I also like Popsecret's Homestyle popcorn...tastes pretty close!

2. I also really like the combination of kettle corn and chilli cheese fritos...the curly ones that look like pasta.  Yep, if you mix those together, it's amazefest-USA. Trust me.

3. I also like:

  • popcorn with a little garlic salt
  • popcorn with pepper
  • popcorn with cumin
4. I never drink a glass of milk...however, when it comes to popcorn, it's such a good combination. Not sure why.

I actually have a popcorn recipe book.  I can't say that I'm a popcorn connoisseur as I'm not biased...I actually love stale or burnt popcorn just as much as fresh.  I like any kind of popcorn. I'm just saying...popcorn is so good

So, the conclusion to this ridiculous post is this:
I love popcorn
I'm a little OCD when it comes to my popcorn bowl
And I recently went and watched Noah...worst movie ever, but I have pleasant memories of the experience because of my popcorn.

TamiGrami: Hero

She would never consider herself a hero.  In fact, when I asked her if I could pull a picture from her Facebook to put on a blog post I was writing about her, she responded with, "I'm very curious about this post"...she wouldn't assume I'd be calling her a hero, because she loves in a big way and would never think it was anything unique.

I've actually written about Kasey (or Kase, Kasey-Masey...it all works) before.  We met in Jr. High, became good friends, but truly became best friends right out of high school when she and I attended a two week INTENSE conference out in Colorado trying to shape our worldviews.  That wasn't a joke...it's true.  We went to a worldview conference.  Who does that?  We do.  The truth is, mine was already very shaped...I just spent two weeks solidifying and cementing the already-too-strong-opinions I held of this world. ;)  But, that's another post for another time.

Back to Kase.  I won't go into our long and fabulous history :)...I'll just sum it up by saying, she's someone who has consistently showed up for me in life.  She is married with three beautiful little girls.  They have all pulled me into their lives and I can't say enough good about her.

In this world of social media and this desire to be mini-celebritites, I'll just say, genuine friendships shine even brighter to me.  People who want to have real conversations, enjoy real moments, and experience authentic relationships are golden.  When I am with people who are genuine...and love in a genuine way, I want to call it out because I just love people like that so much.

Daniel + Kasey

So, I'm calling out Kase...not because she's technically...uh...confused? ;) Ha! No...but because she loves on people when no one is looking...for example:

It was a few weekends ago...and I sent her a text.  One of those, "Hey, I don't want you to worry but...just wanted you to know..." kind of texts.  You know the ones?  Now, Kase has a little bit of a fear of driving into the city...she can do it, but it's not her favorite thing to do.  Also, this was a weekend, she was at home with Daniel (her husband) and their three little girls.  She responded with, "Can I come to your place?"  I was like, "No...don't worry about it.  I'm fine. Seriously. That's not why I texted you...I just wanted to let you know."**   She said, "I just asked Daniel if he could watch the girls and before I even finished my sentence, he said, 'Of course I will'.  So, can you send me your address? I'm coming."  


She knows me very well...almost too well.  The truth is, I didn't know I wanted her to come until she said that.  She didn't give me the option...she just did...and that day, I needed that.  She is NOT someone who shows up for me to get accolades, praise, or recognition.  But today, I wanted to give it to her because this is one in a million stories I could tell on her and how she loves.  

Daniel is a hero too...as he spent his Sunday afternoon watching three little girls.  As cute as they are, I'm definitely calling "hero" on that!! Thanks my friend!!

So, now, it's your turn...  

The #TamiGrami word for this week is:

Usually, I just give a word, but this week, I want you to Instagram someone or something that represents a hero in your life.  It can be the lady at the grocery store who was just extra helpful, the poor tax guy that talked you off a ledge, or your spouse who keeps showing up for you...whoever it is, I want to hear about your hero and the people that love authentically. 

Make sure you #tamigrami so we can all easily see it!

And from last time,
the phrase was "Nature's Art"...

The random draw was Sarah's.
I was excited this was the random draw 'cause I had loved this picture so much! Such a great moment captured and shows how we all feel with the warm weather coming!! :)

And then I chose this one because my friends lost their home in a tornado this year, and I thought this picture was filled with such mixed emotions for everyone.  They've been brave warriors through it, and I'm so touched by and proud of them.  Love you, Joy-lynn. :)

*You can follow me on Instagram by Clicking HERE or finding me at @tami_paige 

**Just an FYI, it's nothing huge...everything is fine!

It was like a dream

You may have seen this video going around Facebook, but I just watched it this morning, and I ab-so-lute-ly fell in LOVE with these two!! If I could, I'd jump in the video, hug them both, and ask if I could be their friend! :) Oh my word...seriously, they're amazing.  As I was watching it, I felt like I could relate to both of them...the one that clearly isn't afraid of much, and the other who is...but they both jumped into an adventure and the result of it is one of the cutest things I've seen.

I love this little story they lived out because they were willing to do something that they'd never done.  I could immediately think of about 7-10 friends that do crazy things with me...and I suddenly felt very lucky. I love people who live life like this...and who I find myself laughing a lot with...like An + Ria! 

Random 10

My friend, Nikki Closser, who recently did a shoot of me asked me to come up with 10 things about myself that you probably don't know for when she posts the pictures.  I wasn't sure what you wouldn't know about me at this point since I feel like this blog is just one big open book.  However, I came up with 10, and thought I'd use them for a random Friday post.  I know I just posted answers for the 50 questions, so this feels like an overload of useless facts about me...the timing got a little off.  I promise, no more of this next week! :)

What are your Random 10?

1. I played soccer from the age of 6 to 18 years old, and never scored a single goal! Ha! Actually, I did one time but they didn't count it because the goalie had gotten flagged right before it.  I'd like to justify this terrible statistic by the fact that I always played defense...but I think I was always played defense 'cause I had little fear in the game and couldn't aim to save my life.

2. I almost majored in piano performance...but didn't because I never wanted to come to the place of hating it.  If there is one form of "art" I am most comfortable with...it's piano.  But it's probably what I'm also most vulnerable with, so no one but my family ever hears me play. I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't enjoy practicing.  My mom was a very great pianist...so in a weird way, I feel very connected to her whenever I play.

3. I always clean in numbers.  I load the dishwasher or clean my room, or fold laundry in numbers.  I'll do 10 or 20 of something, and then do something fun like check Instagram, or text a friend.  Then, I'll do 10 or 20 more, and find another reward.  Basically, I'm 5 years old.

4. I broke my right arm when I was about 6 years old, and have never been able to completely straighten it ever since.  I was trying to swing from one branch to another...thus, ending my Tarzan stunt double career aspirations right then and there.

5. One of my biggest guilty pleasures and time-wasters is watching interviews on Youtube.  I'll watch clips from talk shows, daytime or late night, Oprah, Larry King, Howard Stern, Barbara Walters, 20/20, people promoting their movies...you name it.  I'll often have that playing while I work on my laptop.  It's a little weird, I'll admit it.

6. Being raised in Japan, I didn't have a favorite Disney princess.  Instead, my hero was of a boy named Momo Taro who was a little warrior born from a peach.

7. I'm a descendant of Samurai.  Which means, technically, our family was once royalty...and mentally, I have a roundhouse kick you don't want to mess with.

8. I have this weird habit that began when we were on a family roadtrip to Arizona one year.  It's where I "jump over" mailboxes, light poles, and the road lines with my teeth.  It was a game I started playing with myself, and now it's a terrible habit.  I'd never heard of anyone else doing it until last year when I was watching an interview (ha! see, full circle!) with Hugh Jackman...and he does the exact same thing! Considering he's awesome, I now feel quite justified. :)

9. I have this thing with the time 11:11. I can't quite explain it.

10. Most people know I have a great interest in politics, but a lot of people don't know that I lived in Oklahoma City, OK as an assistant to a State Senator and then a State Representative.  I still keep in contact with a couple of them still.  I was going to run for office someday...don't laugh.  Just kidding you can laugh.

Have a great weekend!!

50 questions: Part I

So, several months ago, I found this list of 50 questions.  I don't remember why or where I found them...but I've been carrying them around with me since and have made many people answer them.  With some people, we get through them in an evening...with others, it's taken months.

I used to ask James Lipton's infamous 10 questions (which I still love to do)...and now have mixed his questions in with this list of 50 I carry.

It's funny because I have answered these questions SO MANY TIMES at this point, and yet, I find that my answers are different almost every time.  So, I thought it would be kind of fun if once a month, I'd post a couple of my questions from the list. You can comment on here or via Facebook with your answers and (by random draw) one person will get a $5 Starbucks gift card! It's always just more fun with prizes. ;)  And just to make it fair, I'll always answer the question as well.

So here is we go...

1. What are your nickcnames?  What do you prefer to be called?
Wow...my nicknames.  Well, I've always been a very big fan of nicknames.  I give them to people a lot and also get them from people.  'Tami' is actually a nickname as my full name is Tamika.  So, in Japan, I'd get called Tami-chan which was a nickname.  My friend's dad calls me Tamika, which I always like as well.  My nicknames include:
(one that I can't say! ha!)
Tommy...thanks for the reminder, Jenna! ;)
My most recent one was Tami-Wami...and I think the full thing goes something like Tam-Bam-Thank you-Mam...or something like that. ;)

I can't say that I prefer one over another.  I don't mind being called just Tami, but I always notice and like it when someone calls me by a nickname.  My Dad has always called me Tam-Tam, and now my brother-in-law calls me that as well.  If I had to name one, that would probably be my favorite just because it's been the one I've had the longest...but they're all good. ;)

2. What books on your shelf are begging to be read?
Last year, I bought a book called Wartime Letters...I think! I haven't been able to find it, and it makes me so sad 'cause I started it and thought it was fascinating!!!  It's just a book of letters that were written back and forth during war beginning from the Revolutionary War up until Dessert Storm I believe.  So, if I could find it, that would be my book I really want to read.  I just finished Love Does a little bit ago and started a book called Letters to a Young Poet.

Okay! Your turn!!

Love * ly


On a recent visit to Anthropologie, I found this magazine called Darling: the art of being a woman.  I Instagrammed my find and joked with the caption, "Maybe my favorite kind of art, right ladies?"...but the fact is, that's the truth.

I really love being a girl.

As I've been looking through the magazine and putting some organization to my blog, it gave me an idea.  I decided that I wanted to set aside a post once a month to talk all things girls...guys, this doesn't mean I'm counting you out.  I've got ideas for you too! I'm just starting with the girls. :)

I thought it would be fun to use this feature as an excuse to talk about things from make up, skin care, planning out your wardrobe...to my view on feminism (yep, we're going there), femininity, friendships, relationships, Q + A's...you name it.

You see, I have a small theory, and it's that I think it a good thing to celebrate being a girl.  And I don't mean some kind of "girl power" let's hate on men kind of celebration.  Quite the opposite actually.

I believe that we are distinctly different (...not better, not less...but we'll talk about that later!) as women...and I think that is to be celebrated, not erased.  We range on a very wide scale of femininity...and that's good.  The distinctions within our gender are as vast as there are people, and I love that.

How do we love well in this role?...on those in your life, on life itself, and yourself...

Because of these questions, it seemed fitting to call this feature Love*ly...grace and beauty that extends to the heart and mind!  So whether it's something seemingly silly like painting nails, or we dig in deep like healing broken relationships...this is meant as a way to celebrate what makes us, us...women.

So, to kick it off, here are some of my favorite finds lately:

Darling Magazine
Like I said earlier, I recently found this magazine that I'm a little obsessed with!! The photography in it makes me giddy and the tips are so fun.  It's like a girl's best friend in magazine-form.  :)  It's a quarterly magazine, and as it's a little pricey ($20), I think I'll probably be buying one or two issues a year.  If nothing else, it's fun to flip through and look at the pictures. Their website is also a fun place to click through and read different articles posted there! Check 'em out: http://darlingmagazine.org/

Gevalia Caramel Machiatto K-cup
This is such a fun treat I recently discovered from a friend!  What I like about this is that it's not overly sweet at all!!  You pour in a packet of powder milk (comes in the box) and when you brew the espresso into the cup, it does a great job of frothing the milk!! I also got the Mocha Latte, but I don't like it as much...it's a little too sweet for me.  As would be expected, these are more expensive than regular coffee k-cups, so I definitely have been reserving these as a treat!! I got mine at Jewel Osco, I know you can also get them at Target, and as always, you can go to there website and order online if you want!...could be a good alternative to running out to Starbucks every day!

Gel Nailpolish
You may or may not have your nails shellacked or gelled (there's different names for it)...but it's where they paint your nails with this thick polish and you put your hands under a UV light.  It's great because it doesn't even chip for a couple weeks! However, it's expensive...I think it's like $40 a time.  Well, a while back, I looked into seeing what it would cost to do it at home...and guess what? The machine costs $40...so in two polishes, you've already out ahead!  It takes time so I don't do it that often, but if you like the little pampering but can't justify consistently paying for it (like me!...but I'm cheap), this is a good option!

Coconut Oil
Okay, I can't actually say that I really know what I'm doing with this...the lady at the store said I could put it in my hair, on my face, or cook with it.  I'll be honest, that wasn't really a selling point for me as I've never wanted to have to distinguish between what I put on my face and what to eat.  I've been using it as a moisturizer...I think I like it.  I'm not sure, I'll get back to you on that!!

"Magic" by Coldplay
I'm sorry, Chris Martin does very little wrong in my book...okay, the conscious uncoupling thing was really dumb in my opinion...but other than that, seriously.  I still stand by "Fix You" being my favorite music video of all time.  He's just kind of the coolest, so when this song, "Magic" recently came out, I may have already known I was going to love it...but it's always so nice when they don't dissapoint! :) I love. love. love it...and is definitely on replay in my house!  I'm going to have to stop listening before I start hating it...but that could be a while.

TamiGrami: Nature's Art


It's the weekend...and so, you know what that means...:)


The word for this week is:
Nature's Art


Here's the explanation ...

I post a phrase.

...no explanation.

Just a phrase.

You can take the word however you want, and take an Instagram picture representing that word.

*You can follow me on Instagram by Clicking HERE or finding me at @tami_paige 


And from last time,
the phrase was "Change"...

The random pick was from @alisonsutter...I was excited this was the picture 'cause I not only love my friend Alister, but the composition of this is great! I love how it says so much with so little.  Thanks for posting Al!!


Be sure that when you take the picture... 
hashtag: #tamigrami 
tag me @tami_paige 

so we can easily see eachother's images 
and so I can also see the images if you're images are private.  

I will pick a picture randomly 
(this is NOT a contest...so don't be worried or stressed! ha!)
post it to my blog!!  

Here's to another week of #TamiGramis.